Books – Traveling with Your Pet... In Style!The Books“A dog has the soul of a philosopher.” – Plato Do you cringe at the thought of leaving your best friend behind when you go on vacation? Invite your pooch along. You don't have to sacrifice quality just because of Fido. As a matter of fact, some of the finest hotels and destination resorts in the southwest welcome pets. With over 350 top lodging options, you can decide what accommodations best suit you and your best friend. Whether it's a golf getaway, spa retreat, ski trip or weekend in the city, Fido's Finest lists the best of them all... (no flea bag motels in this guide) Order Fido's Finest today!
Where to Find the Books“If dogs could talk it would take a lot of fun out of owning one.” – Andy Rooney Fido's Finest is available at book stores, quality pet supply stores and gift shops around the southwest. Ordering InformationBuy a copy of Fido's Finest now! Order at Barnes & Noble . The AuthorIn 1992, she moved from Michigan City, Indiana to Crested Butte, Colorado (a.k.a. A Pooch's Paradise). In 1994, also the year of the dog, she could no longer hold back and adopted then seven-week-old Shamus from a western slope Humane Society. "My life then changed forever . . . and for the better." Living in a mountain / ski town with "off seasons", free time became plentiful, and they found themselves on road trips nearly three months of the year. Her love for Shamus' constant companionship and traveling have once again come together, creating Fido's Finest!
Contact Information“Every dog must have his day.” – Jonathon Swift To contact the author of Fido's Finest regarding the books, email Bridgette Maxwell . For questions or comments about this web page, including usability issues, contact Pixel Mountain Web Design . Wholesale OrdersWholesale buyers, Call (970) 596-3396 or email us to set up your account today! Order directly through the author as a distributor and part of the proceeds will be donated to a variety of Colorado Animal Shelters. This site designed by Pixel Mountain Web Design |